Featured article
Featured article
2 hours ago
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Artisan Profile: Scott
Autism, Pure Enthusiasm. Scott has been friends with many of the IDDeal members since high school...
Artisan Profile: Julia
Down Syndrome, Pure Dreamer. Julia is our newest Artisan at ScentsAbility Candles. She is enthusi...
Artisan Profile: Katie
Genetic Disorder & Pure Inspiration. Katie lives over 90 minutes away from ScentsAbility; but...
Artisan Profile: Brian Lipson
Apraxia, Pure Believer. Brian is without a doubt a hidden gem. While he is basically shy, he has...
Artisan Profile: Drew Solomon
Genetic Disorder & Pure Potential! Drew is such an incredibly brave young man. He surv...
Artisan Profile: Michael D’Angelo
Williams Syndrome & Pure Positivity. Michael is our Spokesperson and was born for that...
Artisan Profile: Shaun Lynch
Autism, Pure Determination. Shaun stayed home for over 7 years when he was laid off from his job...
Artisan Profile: Billy Burke
Billy is a huge sports enthusiast and always wears a cap with his favorite teams Billy is a super...
Artisan Profile: Kim Winger
Autism, Pure Strength. Kim is one of the hardest workers at The IDDeal Foundation. She has worke...
Artisan Profile: Jamie Muir
Down Syndrome & Pure Confidence, Jamie brings all of the energy! Jamie recently moved to Pt. ...
Artisan Profile: Khari Moench
Khari developed a seizure disorder from a stroke he had as an infant. Pure Gratitude. Khari has ...
Artisan Profile: Alexis Chung
Down Syndrome, Type 1 Diabetes, and pure spirit! Lexy is sassy, funny, clever, and headstrong. S...
Artisan Profile: Jessica Schmidt
Epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and pure love! Jessica is sweet and kind, and everyone’s friend...